Flow Transportation Specialists are one of New Zealand’s premier transport planning and traffic engineering consultancies.
This means:
The Northern Corridor Improvements Project
Flow was responsible for the transport planning and transport modelling of the project from the assessment of a range of options in 2013, through to the provision of expert evidence to the public hearings in 2017, and we provided ongoing advice to Waka Kotahi during the construction stage.
Audits of pedestrian rail level crossing closures – Auckland Transport
As part of improving the train services ahead of the City Rail Link (CRL), Auckland Transport is removing a number of pedestrian level crossings across the train tracks. The project recognises that when a crossing across the train tracks is closed, people have to take an alternative route.
Flow was brought in as the independent auditors of the project. We did a road safety audit, a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) assessment and a non-motorised user audit of all the closures and each alternative route.
Read moreThe City Rail Link is a proposed 3.4 km underground passenger railway, running between the Britomart Station and the North Auckland railway lines.
Flow’s transport assessments of the City Rail Link considered both the long term (beneficial) effects of the project, and the short term (adverse) effects during construction. The long term effects included identifying the ability to dedicate more space within the Auckland City centre streets for buses, walking and cycling, for people to travel to/from and within the city centre by public transport.
Read moreThe Northern Corridor Improvements Project
Flow was responsible for the transport planning and transport modelling of the project from the assessment of a range of options in 2013, through to the provision of expert evidence to the public hearings in 2017, and we provided ongoing advice to Waka Kotahi during the construction stage.
Audits of pedestrian rail level crossing closures – Auckland Transport
As part of improving the train services ahead of the City Rail Link (CRL), Auckland Transport is removing a number of pedestrian level crossings across the train tracks. The project recognises that when a crossing across the train tracks is closed, people have to take an alternative route.
Flow was brought in as the independent auditors of the project. We did a road safety audit, a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) assessment and a non-motorised user audit of all the closures and each alternative route.
Read moreThe City Rail Link is a proposed 3.4 km underground passenger railway, running between the Britomart Station and the North Auckland railway lines.
Flow’s transport assessments of the City Rail Link considered both the long term (beneficial) effects of the project, and the short term (adverse) effects during construction. The long term effects included identifying the ability to dedicate more space within the Auckland City centre streets for buses, walking and cycling, for people to travel to/from and within the city centre by public transport.
Read moreThe Northern Corridor Improvements Project
Flow was responsible for the transport planning and transport modelling of the project from the assessment of a range of options in 2013, through to the provision of expert evidence to the public hearings in 2017, and we provided ongoing advice to Waka Kotahi during the construction stage.