Angie Crafer - Director

Contact details:
     0274 722 530   |
Angie Crafer

Angie brings a breadth and depth of experience in transportation planning and traffic engineering that comes from over 25 years of industry experience in both New Zealand and England. Through the course of her career, Angie has been involved in many diverse types of traffic and transportation projects for a variety of clients including local authorities, central government agencies and private concerns.

As well as being a founding director of the company, Angie applies her expertise in all aspects of the business, including providing expert evidence (at Council and Environment Court hearings), project management, strategic transportation planning, integrated transport, feasibility and operational assessments, traffic engineering design, road safety audits, bus, cycle and pedestrian projects, transport and traffic modelling, economic evaluation, travel demand planning, and option design. Among her most notable projects is the work that she and her Flow team have done in Hobsonville, a large-scale development project comprising 3,000 new houses, two new schools and supporting amenities including cycle, walking, ferry and bus infrastructure with an overarching vision of building a high quality urban development with an environmentally responsible focus.

Angie is most proud of the success of Flow, its growing team whom she has worked to develop, and seeing the cultural values on which Flow was founded represented in the standard of work.

"Everyday we excel in the work that we do, challenging traditional methods and taking a holistic and sustainable view of transport and its interdependency with land use planning."