Terry Church - Director

Contact details:
     0274 722 876   |   terry.church@flownz.com
Terry Church

Terry is involved in a wide range of traffic and transportation projects for central government, local authorities and private developers.

With over 19 years in the industry and 12 at Flow, his wealth of experience includes integrated transport assessments, independent peer reviews, economic assessments, transport modelling (using a variety of meso and micro simulation suites), and the preparation and presentation of expert evidence (including as an expert Transport Planner at Environment Court caucusing and mediation fixtures).

One of the projects that is a highlight of his career is taking responsibility for the management and delivery of three of Auckland’s Accelerated Roading Projects (SH1 Southern Motorway, SH1 Northern Motorway and SH20A Kirkbride Upgrade). Terry managed the transport modelling, option assessments, economic evaluation and reporting, client liaison and provided Treasury with the necessary information to determine project funding.

Over the last 20 years he has been involved in the transport planning of major infrastructure and development projects, including:

– Responsible for the management and delivery of the transport assessments for three of Auckland’s Accelerated Projects (SH1 Northern Corridor, SH1 Southern Corridor and SH20 Kirkbride Upgrade). Terry was responsible for being an expert on transport matters through the Northern Corridor Board of Inquiry process
– Responsible for the transport assessment of Auckland’s Transport for Future Urban Growth project, for Auckland’s Northwest and Southern growth areas
– Responsible for acting as the NZ Transport Agency’s, Auckland Transport’s or Auckland Council’s expert traffic advisor on small to large designation, plan change and resource consent applications

In working at Flow, Terry appreciates the breadth of skillsets that allow Flow to be involved in a range of small to large scale projects while still maintaining a close and agile culture.

"The open plan office, combined with the sharing of work and life experiences and challenges provides a family environment which makes walking through the door each day enjoyable."