
Sector : Local Authorities

Flow and Jacobs are currently developing the detailed business case for Carrington Road Improvements. Flow has supported the development of all aspects of the business case process, focusing on transport planning, modelling, and economic assessments. Carrington Road connects the Point Chevalier and Mt Albert town centres. People use Carrington Road to connect with buses, trains, SH16, and the Northwestern Cycleway and to access local homes, businesses, and education providers. The Carrington Road Improvements project evaluates how space within the street can best be used to accommodate population growth and provide people with improved travel options. The Carrington Road Improvements project will be funded through the Government’s Infrastructure Acceleration Fund, enabling early delivery of key transport upgrades to support urban development.
The Auckland Transport web site (
Describes the following plan as “North of Woodward Road, looking north, an option under consideration”.

Further details can be found here